Make Windows 7 startup faster

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Just Follow the Below steps :-

Please Note :
            You must be very Careful while dealing with Registry keys, any error in Editing the keys may Cause unstability to the System.

Step 1 : Go to Start and open > Run
Press Windows + R > then type the command - regedit which opens up a Dialogue box Click on Yes then the Registry Editor Opens.

Step 2 : In the Registry Editor
Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM >CurrentControlSet > Control > Session Manager >MemoryManagement > PrefetchParameters

Step 3 : Then in the Right Side of the Box You will find EnablePrefetcher and open it.

Step 4 : Then You will find a Value Data Option change it to 2 and Click OK.

Step 5 : Now Open EnableSuperfetch also and do the Same Change the Value Data to 2 and Click OK.

Now restart your System you will find it opens faster than Previously.