How to Fix Corrupt Registry Quickly and Easily

08:03 Unknown 0 Comments

Are you experiencing frequent crashes or lock ups in your computer? Is the speed of your computer getting slow day by day? Well if it is so than your computer’s registry needs clean up and has become corrupted. You simply need to Fix Corrupt Registry.

What is Registry?

Well a registry is a Database that contains all the information and required programs to run your computer well. Whenever a computer starts up or shuts down or launches any application, it needs its registries to back it up and help in making things work.
It can be assumed that a registry is like an Engine to your computer without it your computer is nothing but an assembly of spare parts leading to nothing. A computer cannot function properly and cannot give the required performance without a clean registry.

What really causes the corruption of the registries?

As you store data or install programs and run them over and over, there is a large amount of data that gets accumulated in the registry leading to its overloading and hence corruption.Such an overload affects the running of the system and signals you to clean up its registries soon.
Viruses and worms attacking at such a stage cause more damage to the registries leading to inaccessibility to certain folders and files. If still one does not take an action in cleaning up the registry, than it may lead to permanent lose of data or even cause a system crash. So cleaning up a registry should be taken very seriously and timely.

How often one should clean up the registries.

Well according to technician’s, registry cleaning should be done every week. This will help your system to keep functioning properly and error manifestation will be least. A registry can be repaired either manually by deleting the keys from windows registry or by repair softwares.
Cleaning the registry manually poses a great threat of deleting any relevant key by mistake so it is always suggested to use cleaning software that will remove all the unwanted or unused keys from the registry and make it clean from any malwares. They are Softwares which are very easy to use and scans your computer for all invalid entries in your registries and will also compress and defragment the registry so that it will become more compact.
One might wonder what kind of software one must use for registry cleanups and if it will be safe to use it? Of course we all worry about our data and do not want to lose it. So while choosing any software to clean up your registry you must check first if it is allowing you to back up your registries before clean up so that no one would end up losing any important registry. Secondly it should be user friendly.

Softwares that You can use to Fix Corrupt Registry

Ccleaner Helps you Fix Corrupt Registry along with Cleaning all Junk from Your Computer,But as said earlier it may even harm your Computer if such softwares deletes any important registry key.
So I will Recommend a Software which is specially Made to do this task, For eg :I am Using Registry Reviver, which is working like a charm for me, but you have your own choice, You can Search for the best Software available, and get it which you like the most to Fix Corrupt Registry.